The University of Naples Federico II is one of the oldest academic institutions in the world having been founded by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II von Schwaben in 1224. Its Faculty of Engineering is one of the oldest and largest in Italy.The first school of Engineering was set in Naples in 1811 during the Napoleonic occupation of the Kingdom of Naples. Joachim Murat, King of Naples and Napoleon brother-in-law, decreed the foundation of the “Scuola di Applicazione di Ponti e Strade” (School for the construction of bridges and roads) on 4th March 1811. The school was modelled on the Ecole d’Application des ponts et chaussées, which had been reorganized by Napoleon in 1804. After Unification, in 1863, the school took the name of Royal School of Engineering and was made directly dependent from the Ministry of Education of the new unified Kingdom of Italy. The declared aim of the school was to “give students with a degree in Mathematics all the necessary know-how and skills to practice the Art of Engineering and Architecture”. A complete reorganization of the degree courses came in 1876 when the Regolamento Generale (General Rules) of all the Royal Schools of Engineering in Italy was changed. From then onwards, two general 5 year degree courses where offered in the School: one for engineers, the other for architects. In 1904 the Royal School of Engineering changed name into Higher Polytechnic School (Scuola Superiore Politecnica) and was finally transformed into the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples in 1935. The school was first hosted in the historical buildings of the University and then moved to a new location in 1965, when the new building of the Faculty of Engineering designed by the reknowned Italian architect Luigi Cosenza was opened in Fuorigrotta, a relatively newer area of Naples. Since then the Faculty has developed fast and nowadays offers more than 20 degree courses, several MSc. Programmes and Doctorate Schools. In 2011 the Faculty celebrated the 200th anniversary of its Foundation.

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